Overall Goals
- Consistency
- Patience
- Observation
- Education and Inspiration
- Bring running water to the Kalu Yala camp in “The Valley.”
- Learn more about the biodiversity of the Tres Brazos valley.
- Improve overall sustainability.
Make contacts with experts in the field and seek out their advice and expertise.
Water Infrastructure Projects:
- Design and build the system of PVC pipe that will draw water from the tributary to valley camp. Review the preliminary design, make improvements, and execute the plan.
- Install the pipe to bring water to camp.
- Collect water samples from the tributary and get the water tested.
- Develop a plan for filtration and purification techniques for potable water drawn from the tributary based on the water testing results.
- Design and install an irrigation system for the permaculture plot. This will be done in collaboration with Alex, farm director and the interns working on the farm.
- Get running water flowing to the kitchen sink.
- Make a plan to deal with the kitchen sink wastewater.
- Additional water project outside the valley….work on bringing potable water to the tap in the Casa Llena house in San Miguel. Get this water tested to see what kind of biological contamination we are dealing with and then devise a filtration/purification system.
Biological Sciences Projects: Continue a previous intern project cataloging the flora and fauna of the Panamanian jungle or create your own in a new area of interest. Previous topics include:
- Entymology (insects)
- Ethnobotany (plants and their traditional/medicinal uses)
- Biology binder
- Arbol de la Vida (Tree of Life) – teach the schoolchildren of San Miguel and neighboring mountain towns about biodiversity of the Panamanian jungle
Possible new topics:
- Freshwater crabs living in the streams at the top of the mountains
- Giant freshwater shrimp living in the river
- Bird biodiversity
- Amphibian biodiversity
- Fish biodiversity in the Pacora River
Other sustainability improvements and fun renewable technology projects for camp could include:
- Solar heated hot water shower.
- Solar powered lights to give us light after the sun goes down for a few hours at night and improve life in camp.
- Solar powered composting toilet.
- Design and build a rainwater harvesting system to provide an additional water source for camp.
- Develop a comprehensive wastewater plan for the valley camp.
- Research innovative irrigation, composting methods, and permaculture methods for the farm.
- Draft an EMS, Environmental Management System, for Kalu Yala.