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There is always a bit of uncertainty that inevitably sinks in when it occurs to you just how long you will be a stranger in a strange land. There is also the stages of group development that occur in the following: 1. Forming 2. Norming 3. Storming 4. Performing. We haven’t been here too long but the Summer 2012 Valley Crew is somewhere between 1 & 2.
The first week and a half was spent in orientation, which consisted of familiarizing ourselves with not only the valley but also other interns and directors. Projects where introduced and I plan on improving the trail system throughout the valley. The valley is beautiful in that way only a jungle can be; all green and covered in mystery. Downtime is spent swimming in the river and playing cards when the rainstorms move in.
There is a huge contrast to the city where I spent my vacation. Much more noise, less bugs and easily the most pedestrian unfriendly infrastructure in the world. I’ve been in recovery from a stomach virus for most of my break in Panama City and I have to say it’s much easier to vomit in the comfort of a bathroom and the promise of a mattress to lie down on when you’re done with your unpleasant bathroom business. Truth be told I’m looking forward to getting back to the valley which is only a two hour bus ride away followed by a walk on a mostly up hill road that takes about an hour to trek through Life is a little easier in the valley, sure there are certain creature comforts that don’t exist there and you have to stay diligent with the sunscreen, bug spray, and hand sanitizer before meals, but there is a day to day routine that is more deliberate and fulfilling beyond figuring out where you want to grab lunch. Well looks like as an intern I am one stint down with just a couple more to go and I hope that is enough time to improve the valley in the way I want. Talk to you later dear readers.