This week was an amazing week for the San Miguel crew. We made connections, had fun, and got the ball rolling on all of our personal projects! I met with Mirium about the soccer program for the school and she gave me the thumbs up to get started. We had our first two games and they went great. A lot of kids showed up as well as their parents which was great for some additional help. The program was such a success this week that I decided to add two additional days a week for the kids.
A lot of cultural bridges were crossed for me this week as well. I felt as though I really immersed myself into the culture of San Miguel. We attended a church service one evening, and as we could not understand most of what was being said, it was an awesome experience to be able to share that with the people and be welcomed as one of them. Andrea and Anne Walker made a connection with a woman in town who milks her cows and makes her own cheese. It tasted awesome! Maria also invited us to her house to show us how she makes home made tortillas. It was really interesting to see how everyone uses natural products to make their own home made creations. All this cooking inspired us to use our own ingredients to whip up some home made oatmeal cookies!
Hannah, Tiffany and I also spent a morning at the river with Mirium, Maria and some of their church friends and kids. This was yet another amazing experience and I truly felt welcomed with open arms. The language barrier is a bit rough, but we are all learning and coming together to create some great relationships with the people of San Miguel!