People: By building a walkable village, not only is development able to pay for conservation, but people of all incomes and ages who share a love for the outdoors are able to live and create this lifestyle together.
Planet: By building everything from the ground up, we are able to make sure every system in our town from our electricity to our restaurants, landscaping, and buildings all make people more sustainable just by visiting or living here.
Profit: By creating sustainable products & jobs, we are proving the future of capitalism can be sustainable. A key to our mission is to create an incubator for entrepreneurs to develop world changing business ideas. Kalu Yala is tilting the tables in favor of local businesses.
And Fun! Kalu Yala is Panama City’s gateway to outdoor adventure. From pros to beginners wanting to take classes, our valley is perfect for hiking, mountain biking, riding horses, and overnight expeditions into the jungle. Plus, we have four rivers to raft 8 months out the year surrounding us.
Kalu Yala is a collection of organizations operated by Kalu Yala Study Abroad, S.A., a Panama registered company owned 100% by James R. Stice, with tax identification numbers registered in both Panama and the United States.