Hello my name is Briggs Montgomery and I’m an Intern at the Kalu Yala program. I’m apart of the Outdoor Rec program with director Brigitte. Over the next couple months I’m going to use pictures to describe what’s been happing in the Valley with and what we’ve been doing to help out the Valley become a more sustainable place.
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Once I arrived in the Valley after the first hike this was the first picture I captured of the clouds and mountains that will be surrounding us.
This is a photo of the Ranchos from Base Camp. The Ranchos is where we will be preparing meals, protect us from rain, and be our little hang out spot either after meals or once the day is finished.
These are two of the many hammocks we have in the Valley. To relax after meals or in off periods to catch up on some sleep or just to hang out in and enjoy the view.
This is the river we take baths in and also cross in order to get to the bamboo to help us with construction and to get us to the Mermaid Hole where we can relax.
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This area is where gather bamboo and carry it back to camp. In the Valley bamboo serves as a very useful tool in helping us create barriers, tent covers, furniture, and protecting our buildings.
Here are a couple pictures of what some of the sunsets look like over the Valley.
Also a view of some of the Interns tents where we sleep and get to relax.
My favorite sunset picture I have of the Valley, I feel like this picture really captures to beauty of the Valley.
This is another picture of the hammocks just to show the full view of what we see when we hang out in them.
This is a photo of some of Base Camp.
Me are Ramon hang out on Max’s birthday inside of Base Camp.
A picture of the volleyball net where we play on weekends or our off hours to keep entertained after work is completed, along with another picture of the ranchos.
A photo of the hike when Will and I are hiking back to San Miguel to come to the Panama City for our vacation.
Last a photo of myself making the hike with our backpacks ready to being our first vacation.