This was my first week in San Miguel, and while I knew most everyone in town only spoke Spanish, the initial experience of not being able to completely communicate with others was shocking. I previously took Spanish in my four years of high school; however, I have not been presented with the opportunity to practice the language since. However, my Spanish skills started to come back throughout the week as I noticed I was able to speak and understand some conversations with the locals. The four of us living in the San Miguel house have even started Spanish hour every morning so we can better our communication skills. Even with the language barrier, everyone in town has been so patient and welcoming to us. The children are so excited, always smiling and say “buenas” to us whenever we pass by. After talking with people from all around the community and getting a feel for how we can most benefit them, there seems to be a strong interest in learning English classes. Many of the adults and students are interested in learning some English. I have noticed from traveling around in a few countries that English has come to be the universal language—typically you can find a few people from every country who speak English. It is amazing the impact America has had on the world. I think continuing the ESL classes is really important because when the citizens of Kalu Yala move in, the majority will probably speak English. While I hope most will try and learn Spanish, it will be very beneficial for some of the people in San Miguel to know English so they can prosper for Kalu Yala town. I am really looking forward to working with Erin, Lillian and Hannah on the English classes for both the students and the adults and seeing how else we can benefit this amazing community.