When I first got to San Miguel Erin, Lillian, Hannah, and I walked around and asked the people in the community what issues/initiatives would benefit the community. One of the topics discussed was a health initiative. From here I immediately thought that I could benefit the community through my connection with dental health at home. My mom has worked at Dr. Arkle and Harris Orthodontics since I was young, so I have grown up with dental health being a big part of my life. I always hear her talking about how her work does seminars at schools in North Carolina during Dental Health Month in February. So, I thought I could model my seminar after the presentations they do during Dental Health Month. With the help of my mom I will not only be able to inform hundreds of children of the importance of dental health, but also give each child a toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. Over 1500 toothbrushes, toothpaste and dental floss will be given out to the children in the San Miguel School, as well as in the surrounding schools in the San Martin County. A special thanks to Dr. Arkle and Harris Orthodontics and Dr. Chen Pediatric Dentistry for donating supplies and shipping them all down to Panama! My goal this semester is to create a Dental Hygiene seminar which I will present to various schools discussing the importance of Dental Hygiene, how to brush and floss, and the frequency of each. Poor dental health can lead to other health-related problems. It is important for children to learn at a young age the importance of taking care of their health. A Healthy Smile means a Healthy You! My hope is that my dental hygiene seminar will inspire future interns to create seminars on various health initiatives that can be given to both the youth and adults of the community.