We all have dreams. We have hopes, fears and larger than life aspirations. This is what brought us together here at Kalu Yala. We are a group of young adventure seekers, looking for something more to life than a 9 – 5 job. For all of you reading this, what do you really want with your life? Something predictable? Comfortable? Might I even be so brash as to say easy? Most of us would say no. You want something that ignites your soul, instills fire.
That’s how I found myself here in Panama, blazing my own unique trail to find that fire. So now you might ask me, what is Kalu Yala? Kalu Yala is innovation. It’s more than a community or destination, it’s a lifestyle. It’s creating a new way to live your life- healthy & sustainably. These values are what the interns and directors instill in their everyday lives. This community preaches what we all should practice- that you’re not on this planet for a long time, but you should make your stay a positive one.
I’ve only been in Panama for two weeks, but the business team and I have already been infused with a wealth of inspiration. The people we’ve met are from all walks of life. They are successful entrepreneurs, TEDx representatives, permaculture experts, and innovative furniture creators. They are travelers, explorers, comedians, and humanitarians. In the end, I noticed one common trend these success stories shared: at a certain point each had to take a great risk. Now, we as interns are taking our great risk in the projects we aim to complete in the upcoming 8 weeks. These projects range from preparing a functioning budget for a lux-camping TEDx event on the Kalu Yala property, designing a sustainable cottage marketing plan, creating an economic development plan specifically for Kalu Yala and the local area with Michael Shuman and CEO/President of Kalu Yala-Jimmy Stice, and working with George Moreno and Partners to source materials and finishes for the eco-resort.
The great Walt Disney once said, “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see what you do, they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” This is what we’re doing, and will continue to do as a community here at Kalu Yala.